SB268 HFAT Ellington 3-11
Stowers 3915
Delegate Ellington moved to amend the bill by striking out the title and substituting therefor a new title, to read as follows:
Eng. Senate Bill No. 268 -- A Bill to amend and reenact §18-8-1 of the Code of West Virginia, 1931, as amended, relating to creating a new exemption from compulsory school attendance for a child who participates in a learning pod or microschool; defining learning pod and microschool; requiring parent or custodian to present to the county superintendent or county board a notice of intent to participate in the learning pod or microschool; establishing qualifications for person or persons providing instruction; requiring annual academic assessment of the child in one of four specified ways; requiring the results of the annual academic assessment of the child to be submitted to the county superintendent; allowing the results of the annual academic assessment to be submitted as composite results; requiring the county board upon request to notify the parents or legal guardian of the services available to assist in the assessment of the child’s eligibility for special education services; requiring the county superintendent to offer such assistance as may assist the person or persons providing instruction; allowing any child participating in a learning pod or microschool to attend any class offered by the county board under certain conditions; providing that no learning pod or microschool is subject to any other provision of law relating to education other than the law pertaining to placement of video cameras in certain special education classrooms; and clarifying that learning pods and microschools are not the same as homeschooling.