SB268 HFA Thompson et al 3-10
Altizer - 3259
Delegates Thompson, Hornbuckle, Walker, Evans and Doyle move to amend the SB268 H ED AM #1 on line 2, following the words “word “together”” by striking out the remainder of the amendment and inserting in lieu thereof, the following:
”by striking out the number “100” and inserting in lieu thereof, the number “25”;
On page 8, section 1, line 163, after the words “school of up to” by striking out the number “100” and inserting in lieu thereof, the number “25”;
On page 8, section 1, line 164, after the words “school of up to” by striking out the number “100 “and inserting the number “25”;
On page 10, section 1, line 232, after the words “provisions of” by striking out the words “section eleven, article twenty, chapter eighteen” and inserting in lieu thereof “§18-20-11”.