SB409 SFAT Ferns 4-8


Adkins 7913



Senator Ferns moved to amend the title of the bill to reads as follows:


A BILL to amend the Code of West Virginia, 1931, as amended, by adding thereto two new sections designated §11-13A-3f and §11-13A-3g; to amend and reenact §11-14C-5 of said code; to amend and reenact §11-15-3, §11-15-9, §11-15-9b, §11-15-9h and §11-15-18b of said code; to amend said code by adding thereto a new section, designated §11-15-3d; to amend and reenact §11-15A-2 of said code; to amend said code by adding thereto two new sections, designated §11-21-4g and §11-21-4h; to amend said code by adding thereto a new article, designated §11-28-1, §11-28-2, §11-28-3, §11-28-4, §11-28-5, §11-28-6, §11-28-7, §11-28-8, §11-28-9, §11-28-10, §11-28-11, §11-28-12, §11-28-13, §11-28-14, and §11-28-15; to amend and reenact §17A-2-13 of said code; to amend and reenact §17A-3-4 of said code; to amend and reenact §17A-4-1 and §17A-4-10 of said code; to amend and reenact §17A-4A-10 of said code; to amend and reenact §17A-7-2 of said code; to amend and reenact §17A-10-3, §17A-10-10 and §17A-10-11 of said code; to amend said code by adding thereto a new section, designated §17A-10-3c; to amend and reenact §17B-2-1, §17B-2-3a, §17B-2-5, §17B-2-6, §17B-2-8, and §17B-2-11 of said code; to amend and reenact §17C-5A-2a of said code; to amend and reenact §17D-2-2 of said code; and to amend and reenact §18A-4-2 of said code, all relating generally to taxation, increased funding for General Revenue Fund and State Road Fund, and teacher pay raises; imposing graduated rate severance tax on privilege of producing coal as of specified date; imposing graduated rate severance tax on privilege of producing natural gas for sale, profit or commercial use; increasing flat rate motor fuel excise tax as of specified date; increasing average wholesale price of motor fuel as of specified date; increasing rate of consumer sales and service tax as of specified date; imposing tax on services of barbers, beauticians and manicurists and on telecommunication services and ancillary telecommunication services as of specified date; eliminating certain exemptions from consumer sales and service tax as of specified date; increasing rate of compensating use tax as of specified date; reducing number of classifications and rates of personal income tax; providing for phase-out of personal income tax and specifying triggering event; imposing temporary additional income tax or persons with West Virginia taxable incomes of $300,000 or more; imposing commercial activity tax as of specified date and as to such sun setting rate of tax; defining terms; specifying rules for determining tax base; exempting certain activities from tax; providing for administration, collection and enforcement of tax; allowing payment of certain taxes as credits against tax; imposing criminal penalties for certain failures by taxpayers; providing for severability of sections; providing for termination of tax as of specified date and transition rules for when termination date is during tax year of taxpayer; making technical corrections in various section of bill; increasing Division of Motor Vehicles administrative fees for various documents, records, registrations, certificates, titles, liens, releases, transfer, cards, stickers, decals, licenses and plates, requiring payment of fees for various tests, providing for fees to increase every five years based on most current Consumer Price index; imposing annual registration fee for certain alternative fuel motor vehicles; providing for state teacher pay raise; and specifying various effective dates.


