HB106 SFA TRUMP 6-12 #1

Lovell 7980


Senator Trump moved to amend the amendment on pages five and six, section five, by striking out all of subsection (b) and inserting in lieu thereof a new subsection, designated subsection (b), to read as follows: 

(b) During the period of any furlough, the following shall apply with respect to the benefits of employees, whether furloughed or not furloughed:

(1) Employees participating in the public employee health insurance program will remain participants therein during the period of fiscal emergency. Payment of the employer portion of premiums shall remain the responsibility of the employer: Provided, That if a furloughed employee’s wages for a pay period are insufficient to allow for the deduction therefrom of the employee’s share of the health insurance premium, the employer shall be responsible for payment of the amount of the employee’s share to the Public Employee’s Insurance Agency: Provided, however, That upon the termination of the fiscal emergency, the employer shall recover any such moneys paid on the employee’s behalf from the employee’s pay at the maximum rate permissible under law not to exceed fifteen percent of the employee’s net pay per pay period;

(2) Days, portions of days or weeks during a declared fiscal emergency shall be considered days employed or days worked for purposes of calculating retirement eligibility and state service credit: Provided, That employer and employee contributions are made for the period of fiscal emergency within thirty days of the termination of the fiscal emergency on the base salary the employee would have received if the Governor had not declared a fiscal emergency: Provided, however, That if the period of employment for which an employee’s retirement benefit is calculated includes periods during a declared fiscal emergency, the employee’s average pay upon which the benefit is computed shall be deemed to have been paid during the periods of fiscal emergency at his or her rate of pay in effect at the times of furlough;

(3) Days, portions of days or weeks for which employees are furloughed shall not be considered days employed or days worked for purposes of accruing sick leave or annual leave; and

(4) No employee who has been furloughed may use accrued annual leave or accrued sick leave for days on which he or she is scheduled to be furloughed pursuant to this section unless at the time of furlough he or she is on employer approved annual leave or sick leave or has sick leave approved by the employer prior to the declaration of the fiscal emergency.





