SB634 SFAT Carmichael 3-10
Greenlief 7835
Senator Carmichael moved to amend the bill by striking out the title and substituting therefor a new title, to read as follows:
Eng. Senate Bill 634 -- A BILL to amend the Code of West Virginia, 1931, as amended, by adding thereto a new article, designated §17B-7-1, §17B-7-2, §17B-7-3, §17B-7-4, §17B-7-5, §17B-7-6, §17B-7-7, §17B-7-8, §17B-7-9 and §17B-7-10, all relating to creation of the Second Chance Driver’s License Act; creating short title and designating that the article may be cited as the William R. Laird IV Second Chance Driver’s License Act; setting forth legislative findings and purpose; defining terms; establishing program; directing the Director of the Division of Justice and Community Services to administer program; setting eligibility requirements to become program participant; requiring application from person wishing to participate; directing the director to coordinate with courts and Commissioner of the Division of Motor Vehicle to verify total amount of unpaid court costs; setting deadlines for providing information regarding unpaid court costs to director; requiring courts to provide an accounting that separately identifies the portion of court costs that constitute fine, forfeiture or penalty; prohibiting separate collection of unreported unpaid court costs while applicant is participant of program; directing how unreported court costs are to be handled; requiring notification to applicant concerning acceptance into program within thirty days; directing the director to develop consolidated repayment schedule for participant; setting certain requirements for consolidated repayment schedule; permitting modification of consolidated repayment schedule; permitting hardship waiver; clarifying that participant is under no obligation to make separate or additional payments directly to court if those costs are included in consolidated repayment schedule; establishing moratorium on collection of unpaid court fees by a court or its designee while participant is in good standing with program; requiring monthly remittance of payments to director; directing issuance of certificate of compliance, certificate of noncompliance, program removal notice and program completion certificate under certain circumstances; directing courts to enter order acknowledging receipt of program completion certificate; directing Division of Motor Vehicles to place stay or lift stay on suspension or revocation of participant’s driver’s license under certain circumstances; authorizing Division of Motor Vehicles to place certain restrictions on driver’s license of program participant; permitting Division of Motor Vehicles to require retesting under certain circumstances; exempting participants from certain retesting fees and reinstatement fees; creating Second Chance Driver’s License Program Account; providing for administration of account; directing deposit of funds into account; authorizing expenditure of funds from account for certain purposes; providing legislative and emergency rule-making authority for Division of Justice and Community Services; and providing legislative and emergency rule-making authority for Division of Motor Vehicles.