SB473 SFA Sypolt 2-25 #1
Morton 7992
Senator Sypolt moved to amend the bill on page five, section nineteen, by striking out all of lines fifty-eight through sixty-five and inserting in lieu thereof the following: That if the right-of-way or other interest or right in the property is within a public service district and the public service district states in writing to the Division of Highways that the right-of-way or other interest or right in the property will be used for a public utility, then the Division of Highways may offer the right-of-way or other interest or right in the property to the public service district without first offering it to the principal abutting landowner and may transfer the right-of-way or other interest or right in the property to the public service district without following the procedure for public auction provided in subsection (b) of this section.