SB204 SFA Carmichael 2-25 #1

O’Neill 7913


    Senator Carmichael moved to amend the bill on page three, section three, line twenty-four, after the word “fiduciary;” by adding the word “and”;

    On page three, section three, line twenty-seven, by striking out the word “and”;

    On page three, section three, lines twenty-eight through thirty, by striking out all of paragraph (6);

    On page seven, section three, lines one hundred five through one hundred eight, by striking out all of paragraph (3);

    And by renumbering the remaining paragraphs;

    On page nine, section three, line one hundred fifty-five, by striking out “(1)”;

    On page ten, section three, lines one hundred sixty-six through one hundred sixty-eight, by striking out all of paragraph (2);


    On page twenty-two, section eighteen, line six, by striking the word “changes” and inserting in lieu thereof the word “charges”.



