Sources of Revenue:

General Fund

Legislation creates:

A New Program

Fiscal Note Summary

Effect this measure will have on costs and revenues of state government.

The new program will create an exotic animal act and establish regulatory requirements relating to importation, ownership and possession of exotic animals. This act will be administered by the Division of Natural Resources, the Department of Agriculture and the Bureau of Public Health. The fee for the proposed permit will be established in legislative rules. The DNR shall retain 50 percent of the fee. The remaining 50 percent shall be distributed to the county humane officer, animal control officer or the county sheriff. The revenue generated by this bill is unknown at this time because one purpose of the bill is to identify the number and location of exotic animals facilities throughout the state. Three positions will need to be created to comply with the regulations. Estimates for personal services are for funding salaries and benefits for a Veterinarian, Office Assistant, Natural Resources Police Officer Sergeant and costs associated with NR Police Officer field work.

Fiscal Note Detail

Effect of Proposal Fiscal Year
Fiscal Year
(Upon Full
1. Estmated Total Cost 50,000 200,000 300,000
Personal Services 20,000 160,613 247,000
Current Expenses 5,000 16,000 25,000
Repairs and Alterations 0 0 0
Assets 25,000 23,387 28,000
Other 0 0 0
2. Estimated Total Revenues 0 0 0

Explanation of above estimates (including long-range effect):

For the two months remaining in the current fiscal year 2012 DNR will need a $50,000 supplemental for a Veterinarian and Office Assistant plus necessary current expenses and equipment. Estimates for the first full year of implementation: Estimate for Veterinarian personal services and benefits $80,000 Estimate for Office Assistant personal services and benefits $26,613 Estimate for NR Police Officer Sergeant to administer program personal services and benefits at one half year of $33,466 and then full time salary at $66,931 thereafter at full implementation. Estimated personal services, employee benefits and operating costs for statewide NRPO field officer work related to the program is variable and in addition to the above estimates. At full implementation Current Expenses of $25,000 for gasoline and other operating expenses. At full implementation Assets of $28,000 for a vehicles and equipment. The revenue generated by this bill is unknown at this time because one purpose of the bill is to identify the number and location of exotic animal facilities throughout the state. This identification and locating will be necessary before an estimate can be made.


The State Constitution and Federal law does not allow expenditure of current Division of Natural Resources wildlife related funds for this program. Funding must originate from general revenue.

    Person submitting Fiscal Note: Jerry Jenkins
    Email Address: