Sources of Revenue:

General Fund

Legislation creates:

A New Program,A New Fund

Fiscal Note Summary

Effect this measure will have on costs and revenues of state government.

In order to implement comprehensive rehabilitation services in the jails the WVDOC would need additional resources for staffing, supplies & equipment, & programming and office space. In addition, various operational issues would have to be addressed by the RJA. For example, sufficient RJA staff would have to be available to escort and supervise inmates during programming and testing activities. Staffing: The WVDOC would implement Unit Management staff in each Regional Jail, similar to what exists in existing WVDOC units. Staffing would include (based on starting salaries + 40% for benefits, if staff transferred at higher rates of pay addition funding would be required): 1. Corrections Unit Manager: Starting Salary = $29,400 x 40% benefits = $41,160 2. 2 x Corrections Case Managers: Starting Salary = $26,160 x 40% benefits = $36,624 x 2 = $73,248 3. 2 x Corrections Counselor II: Starting Salary = $24,912 x 40% benefits = $34,876 x 2 = $69,753 4. Office Assistant III: Starting Salary = $20,472 x 40% benefits = $28,660 5. Total: $212,821 x 10 Regional Jails = $2,128,210 Education: Information is needed from the DOE's Office of Institutional Programs to esitmate the additional costs of full educational services in Regional Jails. Currently, DOE provides educational services in Jails but prioritizes misdemeanant offenders. Contracted Testing and Programs: Certain testing and programming servies are provided in WVDOC facilities by a contracted vendor. Additional Time may be needed to estimate the cost of expanding these contracts. In addition, certain purchasing procedures would need to be followed. A preliminary estimate of $1,000,000 annually is included in this fiscal note. Supplies and Equipment: Preliminary implementation estimate of $200,000 included in this fiscal note to cover computers, connectivity, phones, and miscellaneous supplies. If significant construction results from this legislation, true FF&E costs would need calculated. Programming & Office Space: It must be stressed that the WVDOC, regardless of staffing and other resources could not carry out the requirements of this legislation unless sufficient programming & work space is offered at the Regional Jails. Currently, adequate programming and office space does not exist at the Regional Jails. Current preliminary estimates indicate the need for 2-3 full size multipurpose classrooms and 3-5 standard size staff offices, and sufficient space for file and miscellaneous storage. Education/Treatment Facilities $2.5M (10,000 SF x $250/SF) per jail for a total of $25,000,000. Implementation Costs: Certain implementation costs will be present during the initial phases of this project. Training, design, etc. Estimates of $1,000,000 are included for purposes of this fiscal note. Total Costs: Implementation: $1,200,000 Annual Staffing, Testing, and Programming: $3,128,210 Construction: $25,000.000

Fiscal Note Detail

Effect of Proposal Fiscal Year
Fiscal Year
(Upon Full
1. Estmated Total Cost 0 0 0
Personal Services 0 0 0
Current Expenses 0 0 0
Repairs and Alterations 0 0 0
Assets 0 0 0
Other 0 0 0
2. Estimated Total Revenues 0 0 0

Explanation of above estimates (including long-range effect):


    Person submitting Fiscal Note: Loita Butcher
    Email Address: