Monday, March 2, 2020

55th Day

11:00 A. M.


H. R. 3 -                                  Amending the Rules of the House of Delegates, relating to remarks by members


Com. Sub. for S. B. 502 -       Relating to methamphetamine criminal penalty (Shott) (Regular)

S. B. 509 -                               Relating to custodial allocation actions independent of divorce (Shott) (Regular)

Com. Sub. for H. B. 2663 -     Exempting buildings or structures utilized exclusively for agricultural purposes from the provisions of the State Building Code (Howell) (Regular)

Com. Sub. for H. B. 4096 -     Requiring candidates to live in the state or local election district for the office for which they are seeking (Shott) (Regular)

Com. Sub. for H. B. 4746 -     Establishing a registry of persons with a communication disability (Howell) (Regular)

Com. Sub. for H. B. 4905 -     Ban-the-Box Act (Shott) (Regular)

H. B. 4953 -                             Providing the PSC with authority to order the acquisition of failing utilities and a variety of tools to assist distressed and failing utilities (Shott) (Regular)

H. B. 4966 -                             Relating generally to updating the North American Industry Classification System code references (Criss) (Regular)

H. B. 4970 -                             Relating to military service as a factor in certain insurance coverage rates (Shott) (Regular)


S. B. 170 -                               Alleviating double taxation on foreign income at state level (Finance Committee Amendment Pending) (Householder) (Regular)

S. B. 610 -                               Removing resident manager requirement for Alcohol Beverage Control Administration (Shott) (July 1, 2020)

Com. Sub. for S. B. 625 -       Creating one-day annual license to permit charitable auction of sealed rare, antique, or vintage liquor bottles (Shott) (Regular)

H. J. R. 102 -                           Providing the West Virginia Legislature rulemaking oversight of the board of education (Shott)  

Com. Sub. for H. B. 4059 -     Increasing access to long acting reversible contraception (Hill) (Regular)

H. B. 4455 -                             Permitting fees from the Central Abuse Registry to be used for costs relating to information technology support and infrastructure (Householder) (Regular)

Com. Sub. for H. B. 4613 -     Allowing the Division of Highways use money in the Gas Field Highway Repair and Horizontal Drilling Waste Study Fund (Householder) (Regular)

Com. Sub. for H. B. 4690 -     Relating to solid waste facilities (Shott) (Regular)


Com. Sub. for H. B. 4485 -     Reorganizing and redesignating the Department of Military Affairs and Public Safety as the Department of Homeland Security (Shott) (Regular)

Com. Sub. for H. B. 4651 -     Clarifying the powers and duties of the Division of Highways in acquiring property for state road purposes (Shott) (Regular)

H. B. 4884 -                             Relating to a charitable or public service organization must submit a certifying statement attesting to its status (Howell) (Regular)